Tag: 3d printing

  • Printing, and more printing!

    I decided to break out a project I started a while ago (a common refrain) and finish re-printing some parts of this 3D Sets model:

    All of the body pieces are printed, but the filament I chose for the mechanical parts (gearbox, suspension, etc) was a little too rough and not really printed very accurate, so I’m re-printing those parts with Polymaker PLA which I’ve had way more success with.

    This printer has almost 1,500 hours on it and still going strong.

  • More Printing

    This is the latest sign, another NYC logo.

    This one was a bit over-extruded because of some first-layer issues I was having, should not have bumped up the extrusion rate that much to compensate for the nozzle being a bit high for some reason. That reason being probably some dried up plastic stuck on the nozzle. The Voron Tap is great otherwise. This machine used to be a nightmare to QGL and mesh, but since I upgraded to Tap it levels quickly every time, and breezes through a mesh. I’m eagerly awaiting a chance to install it on my second printer.